Admix PS240

Polymer Based Superplasticizer with Slump Retention and Retarding Properties


The basic components of ADMIX PS240 are synthetic polymers which allow mixing water to be reduced considerably and concrete strength to be enhanced significantly, particularly at ultimate ages. This product contains no chloride and meets the requirements of ASTM C-494 Type B, D&G and Iranian National standard 2930, as well as other international standards.
This product is compatible with all types of cements but due to variety of cement and aggregate’s properties, site tests are always recommended in each project.

Performance of ADMIX PS240 in concrete

This product increases negative charge of cement particles which causes better dispersion of cement and producing free flow concrete even at low water cement ratio. Concrete with ADMIX PS240 shows strengths higher than concrete without admixture having the same workability. Achieving higher strengths is due to good dispersion of cement particles and better compaction of concrete, although initial and final setting time will be delayed.

Technical Specifications

Appearance: Free flow liquid
Color: Dark brown
Specific gravity: 1.165 – 1.175 g/cm³ at 20°C
PH: 7 – 8
Chloride content: < 0.1% ww

The excellent dispersion property of ADMIX PS240 makes it ideal admixture for high performance concrete and in complicated formwork or with congested reinforcement where low water cement ratios are required. Due to retarding properties, this product is ideal for hot climate, slip formworks and long distance transportation.

Effect on hardened concretes
Besides stated effects of this admixture on fresh concrete while mixing and casting it also has significant positive effects on hardened concrete such as increasing ultimate compressive and flexural strengths, higher E-modulus, improving adhesion to reinforcing and stressing steel, better resistance to carbonation, lower permeability, better resistance to aggressive atmospheric conditions, reducing shrinkage and creep and increasing durability.

ADMIX PS240 is supplied in 220 kg drums and 1100 kg IBCs. Bulk delivery is possible based on request.

This product should not be premixed with any other admixtures unless be approved by White Damavand specialists. In case of requirement of utilizing other admixtures in concrete, it is highly recommended to add them separately. ADMIX PS240 is compatible with concretes containing silica fume, fly ash, ground granulated blast or slag cement.

Consumption rate
Recommended dosage of ADMIX PS240 is 0.5 to 1.2 percent of cement (cementitious materials) content. Dosages outside this range are permissible subject to trial mixes.

How to use
ADMIX PS240 is a ready to use admixture and should be added to concrete at the time of batching. The best effect would be achieved if the admixture be added to concrete mix after adding 70 to 80 percent of water content. Never add ADMIX PS240 to dry cement or aggregate. Full mixing is necessary to achieve maximum benefit, so mix the concrete for 60 seconds in high speed mixer

This product must be stored in original containers at above +5 °C under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect from extremes of temperature. If frozen, gradually thaw and agitate until completely reconstituted.
Failure to comply with the recommended storage conditions may result in premature deterioration of the product or packaging. For specific storage condition contact White Damavand Technical Services Department.

Safety awareness
ADMIX PS240 does not contain any hazardous substances. For more information about safety, please read product material safety data sheet.

Quality approval

All materials produced in White Damavand Co. are under strict control of QC department and meet the requirements of international standards.

For additional information, contact company’s specialists in Tehran at: 88678881-3 or email address: